Carlos F. Mendoza owns C.F. Mendoza Engineering Services, a company specializing in underground water research. He has an impeccable track-record merited through decades of hands-on training, research and experience that makes his service unique and in demand throughout the Philippines.
He was given the NATIONAL ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE AWARD in 1996 for Studies and Research of Underground Water by Geophysics made for Filipinas Dravo Corporation by:
- Council of Engineering Consultants of the Philippines (CECOPHIL),
- Fédération Internationale des Igénieurs Conseils (FIDIC), and
- The Events and Awards Managers of Asia (TEAM ASIA).
- Study of Surface and Underground Water
- Based from 4 decades of experience, conduct the Electrical Resistivity and the SP (Spontaneous Polarization) methods of Geophysics to:
- Study the character, shape and configuration of fresh groundwater presence at different depths from the ground surface,
- Delineate the extent of saline water intrusion, if any,
- Define the extent of gas presence, if any,
- Show the location at depth of fractures within different rock formations,
- Pinpoint the locations of sinkholes hidden by shrubs, grass, loose soils and other debris,
- Locate solution cavities, caverns and subterranean structures within limestone areas, if any.
- Bulk Water Supply Study
- Water Resources & Environmental Studies
- Study of Water Pollutions / Contaminations
- Mineral and Natural Gas Exploration
- Foundation and other Civil Engineering Studies by Geophysics
Current Professional Affiliations:
- Asian Development Bank Consultancy Management Services Registration No. 097149
- Member, International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), the International Groundwater Organisation, Membership No. 135866
- Member, International Water Supply Association, Accredited Registered Expert Ref. Cc # 1-41-1177
Previous Professional Affiliations:
- Member, Philippine Society of Mining, Metallurgical and Geological Engineers
- Member, Water Environment Association of the Philippines
- Member, Pollution Control Association of the Philippines
- Well Drillers Association of the Philippines
- Pilipino Association of Water Systems
- ASTEF Association of Ancient Filipino Scholars